Terms and Conditions (AGB) for the Quattropole Swing Exchange
1. Subject Matter of the Contract
The Quattropole Swing Exchange is organised by Lindy Hop Saarbrücken GbR, Swing Dance Luxembourg, Lindy Hop Circle Trier and Metz Swing.
The registration to the Quattropole Swing Exchange takes place at the Lindy Hop Saarbrücken GbR.
These Terms & Conditions are between participants of the Quattropole Swing Exchange and the Organizers of the Exchange. By participating in the exchange and entering the exchange locations you agree to these terms.
2. General information
When should I pay my contribution ? Within 2 days after receipt of the confirmation mail. If up to this point the contribution isn´t paid, it doesn´t void the basic obligation to pay.
3. Registration and Conclusion of Contract
3.1 Registration for the exchange is done in writing or electronically via the registration form provided by Lindy Hop Saarbrücken GbR.
3.2 The contract is concluded when the dance school confirms the registration and has received the participation fee.
4. Non participation / Money - Refund
By sending the registration you accept the following cancellation terms: For non- participation in the Exchange ( for any reason ) incurred 100% cancellation fee . However, it is possible to transfer your pass to someone else without extra charge, as long as the organizers are informed about the transfer at least one week before the beginning of the event. In no case we can refund the Exchange contribution. Also Business obligations, work- or business travels, illness, vacation or the lack of childcare cannot be accepted as a reason for refunding the fee.
5. Adjustment of Program
The Quattropole Swing Exchange organizers and/or the venue reserves the right to make alterations to the published program (bands and venues) where reasonably necessary. Depending on the current weather conditions, it may be necessary to cancel parts of the daily program at short notice. The paid participation fee remains unaffected, and there are no costs incurred for the organization. The Quattropole Swing Exchange organizers do not take responsibility for any cancellation of the band members due to illness or any other reason. We suggest to regularly check our website and Facebook events page in order to be aware of potential updates.
6. Responsibility for Injuries and Personal Belongings
The Quattropole Swing Exchange organizers take no responsibility for any accidents or losses, thefts or harm that might occur to participants for whatever reason. No damage claims against the organizers are possible. The participants are liable for any damages to rooms, objects and to third parties caused by themselves.
7. Behavior in the Venue
Smoking is not allowed in the venue. We ask you to wear dancing shoes or shoes with clean soles in the rooms.
8. Cancellation
We reserve the right to cancel the reservation on our part, if details are not completely filled in the form or if information aren´t truthfully made.
9. Additional general information
The participation in the event is own the risk of the participant. The Quattropole Swing Exchange Team | Organisator is not responsible for theft or damage of third parties.
10. Covid-19 related cancellations
I agree that with my registration I am in the duty to pay my party/workshop contribution. Also if I need to cancel the party/workshop/exchange related to Covid-19 like quarantine, sickness I am still in charge of paying my party/workshop/exchange contribution. If the organizer need to cancel the event due to covid restrictions participants still need to pay their workshop/party/exchange contribution.
The Quattropole Swing Exchange is organised by Lindy Hop Saarbrücken GbR, Swing Dance Luxembourg, Lindy Hop Circle Trier and Metz Swing.
The registration to the Quattropole Swing Exchange takes place at the Lindy Hop Saarbrücken GbR.
These Terms & Conditions are between participants of the Quattropole Swing Exchange and the Organizers of the Exchange. By participating in the exchange and entering the exchange locations you agree to these terms.
2. General information
When should I pay my contribution ? Within 2 days after receipt of the confirmation mail. If up to this point the contribution isn´t paid, it doesn´t void the basic obligation to pay.
3. Registration and Conclusion of Contract
3.1 Registration for the exchange is done in writing or electronically via the registration form provided by Lindy Hop Saarbrücken GbR.
3.2 The contract is concluded when the dance school confirms the registration and has received the participation fee.
4. Non participation / Money - Refund
By sending the registration you accept the following cancellation terms: For non- participation in the Exchange ( for any reason ) incurred 100% cancellation fee . However, it is possible to transfer your pass to someone else without extra charge, as long as the organizers are informed about the transfer at least one week before the beginning of the event. In no case we can refund the Exchange contribution. Also Business obligations, work- or business travels, illness, vacation or the lack of childcare cannot be accepted as a reason for refunding the fee.
5. Adjustment of Program
The Quattropole Swing Exchange organizers and/or the venue reserves the right to make alterations to the published program (bands and venues) where reasonably necessary. Depending on the current weather conditions, it may be necessary to cancel parts of the daily program at short notice. The paid participation fee remains unaffected, and there are no costs incurred for the organization. The Quattropole Swing Exchange organizers do not take responsibility for any cancellation of the band members due to illness or any other reason. We suggest to regularly check our website and Facebook events page in order to be aware of potential updates.
6. Responsibility for Injuries and Personal Belongings
The Quattropole Swing Exchange organizers take no responsibility for any accidents or losses, thefts or harm that might occur to participants for whatever reason. No damage claims against the organizers are possible. The participants are liable for any damages to rooms, objects and to third parties caused by themselves.
7. Behavior in the Venue
Smoking is not allowed in the venue. We ask you to wear dancing shoes or shoes with clean soles in the rooms.
8. Cancellation
We reserve the right to cancel the reservation on our part, if details are not completely filled in the form or if information aren´t truthfully made.
9. Additional general information
The participation in the event is own the risk of the participant. The Quattropole Swing Exchange Team | Organisator is not responsible for theft or damage of third parties.
10. Covid-19 related cancellations
I agree that with my registration I am in the duty to pay my party/workshop contribution. Also if I need to cancel the party/workshop/exchange related to Covid-19 like quarantine, sickness I am still in charge of paying my party/workshop/exchange contribution. If the organizer need to cancel the event due to covid restrictions participants still need to pay their workshop/party/exchange contribution.